8 mar 2013

Comics de Marvel en Stock (en ingles)

Aca les traemos el listado de Comics de Marvel (edicion de USA), en ingles, que tenemos actualmente en Stock, para que se entretengan y aprovechen, hay mucho material para elegir.
Cualquier cosa, como siempre, mandenos un mail a cabosunionstore@gmail.com

Comics Marvel (en ingles)

-Agents of Atlas: Dark Reign TPB   $147
-Agents Of Atlas: Turf Wars TPB   $110
-All New Savage She Hulk   $110
-Alpha Flight Classic TPB Vol. 03   $184
-Alpha Flight Classic vol. 1 TPB   $184
-Anita Blake Vampire Hunter - Guilty Pleasures HC Vol. 1   $147
-Annihilation Book 1   $184
-Annihilation Classic TPB   $184
-Annihilators Earthfall TPB   $110
-Annihilators TPB   $147
-Ant-man And Wasp TPB Small World   $110
-Askani's Son + Book of Askani   $34
-Askani's Son miniserie completa   $27
-Astonishing Spider-Man And Wolverine TPB   $147
-Astonishing X-Men TPB Vol. 01 Gifted   $110
-Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Box Premiere HC   $220
-Astonishing X-Men: Vol. 1 HC   $220
-Astonishing X-Men: Vol. 2 HC  $257
-Astonishing X-Men: Vol. 3 TPB   $110
-Astonishing X-Men: Vol. 5 TPB   $184
-Atlas: Marvel Boy   $147
-Avengers Academy TPB Second Semester   $147
-Avengers Academy TPB Vol. 01 Permanent Record   $147
-Avengers Academy TPB Vol. 02 Will We Use This In The Real World   $147
-Avengers Assemble TPB Vol. 03   $257
-Avengers Assemble Vol. 5 HC   $294
-Avengers Big Three TPB   $220
-Avengers By Brian Michael Bendis TPB Vol. 01   $147
-Avengers By Brian Michael Bendis TPB Vol. 02   $147
-Avengers By Brian Michael Bendis TPB Vol. 03   $184
-Avengers Childrens Crusade TPB   $220
-Avengers Hawkeye TPB   $147
-Avengers Mythos TPB   $147
-Avengers Origin TPB   $110
-Avengers Prem HC First To Last   $257
-Avengers TPB Operation: Galactic Storm completo 2 TPBs   $440
-Avengers Trial Of Yellowjacket TPB   $294
-Avengers vol. 1 Premiere HC   $184
-Avengers vol. 2 Premiere HC   $184
-Avengers/Defenders War HC   $147
-Avengers/Invaders HC   $294
-Avengers/Invaders maxiserie completa + sketchbook   $160
-Avengers: Kang Time and Time Again TPB   $147
-Avengers: Kree/Skrull War TPB   $184
-Avengers: Nights of Wundagore TPB   $125
-Avengers: Nights of Wundagore TPB   $125
-Avengers: The Initiative Vol. 1 - Basic Training   $110
-Avengers: The Initiative Vol. 2 - Killed in Action TPB   $147
-Avengers: The Initiative Vol. 3: Secret Invasion TPB   $125
-Avengers: The Initiative Vol. 4 – Disassembled   $147
-Avengers: West Coast Avengers Assemble HC   $220
-Avengers: World Trust TPB   $110
-Best of Spider-Man vol. 3 HC   $220
-Black Panther Civil War TPB   $132
-Black Panther Man Without Fear TPB Vol. 01 Urban Jungle   $125
-Black Widow Kiss Or Kill TPB   $96
-Blade: Sins of the Father TPB   $110
-Bullet Points   $103
-Cable & Deadpool Vol. 2: The Burnt Offering TPB   $110
-Cable & Deadpool Vol. 5: Living Legends TPB   $103
-Cable & Deadpool Vol. 7: Separation Anxiety TPB  $132
-Cable Classic: Vol. 1 TPB   $220
-Cable Vol. 2: Messiah War TPB   $150
-Cable Vol. 2: Waiting for the End of the World TPB   $110
-Captain America Allies And Enemies TPB   $125
-Captain America American Nightmare Prem HC   $184
-Captain America And Bucky TPB Old Wounds   $125
-Captain America And Hawkeye TPB   $96
-Captain America And Iron Man TPB   $110
-Captain America By Dan Jurgens TPB Vol. 02   $220
-Captain America By Ed Brubaker TPB Vol. 02   $125
-Captain America Corps TPB   $125
-Captain America First Vengeance TPB   $110
-Captain America Hail Hydra TPB   $110
-Captain America Man Out Of Time Prem HC   $147
-Captain America Red Glare Prem HC   $220
-Captain America Sentinel Of Liberty HC   $257
-Captain America Serve And Protect Prem HC   $184
-Captain America: America First Premiere HC   $147
-Captain America: Fallen Son, The Death of Captain America   $110
-Captain America: Operation Rebirth   $183
-Captain America: Red Menace Vol. 1   $88
-Captain America: Red Menace Vol. 2   $81
-Captain America: Red, White & Blue   $147
-Captain America: Theater of War   $147
-Captain America: War & Remembrance   $184
-Captain America: Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection   $184
-Captain Britain TPB   $155
-Captain Marvel Prem HC Secret Invasion   $147
-Captain Marvel TPB Vol. 01 In Pursuit Of Flight   $110
-Captain Marvel: First Contact   $125
-Captain Marvel: The Death of Captain Marvel   $184
-Casanova: Gula TPB   $110
-Civil War TPB   $184
-Civil War: Fantastic Four TPB   $132
-Civil War: Front Line Book 2   $110
-Civil War: Peter Parker, Spider-Man TPB   $132
-Civil War: Thunderbolts   $103
-Clandestine Classic HC   $220
-Clandestine Prem HC Blood Relative   $147
-Daken And X-23 Prem HC Collision   $184
-Daken X-23 Collision TPB   $147
-Daredevil By Brubaker And Lark Ult Coll TPB Book 03   $257
-Daredevil By Frank Miller & Klaus Janson Volume 1 TPB   $220
-Daredevil By Frank Miller & Klaus Janson Volume 2 TPB   $220
-Daredevil By Frank Miller & Klaus Janson Volume 3 TPB   $220
-Daredevil By Mark Waid TPB Vol. 01   $118
-Daredevil By Mark Waid TPB Vol. 02   $118
-Daredevil Reborn Prem HC   $146
-Daredevil Reborn TPB   $125
-Daredevil/Echo: Parts of a Hole HC   $184
-Daredevil: Cruel and Unusual TPB   $110
-Daredevil: Hell to Pay Vol. 1   $110
-Daredevil: Lady Bullseye   $125
-Daredevil: Lone Stranger TPB   $184
-Daredevil: The Devil, Inside and Out Vol. 1   $110
-Daredevil: The Devil, Inside and Out Vol. 2   $110
-Daredevil: The Man Without Fear TPB   $147
-Daredevil: Visionaries - Frank Miller Vol. 2   $100
-Daredevil: Yellow HC   $184
-Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Utopia TPB   $257
-Dark Reign: Hawkeye   $125
-Dark Tower Battle of Jericho Hill TPB   $147
-Dark Tower Fall Of Gilead TPB   $147
-Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born HC   $184
-Dark Tower: The Long Road Home HC   $184
-Dark Wolverine Vol. 1: The Prince   $110
-Dark X-Men TPB   $125
-Deadpool TPB Vol. 08 Operation Annihilation   $118
-Deadpool Classic Vol. 1 TPB   $220
-Deadpool Classic TPB Vol. 05   $220
-Deadpool HC Vol. 01 De Luxe Edition   $294
-Deadpool TPB Vol. 06 I Rule You Suck   $118
-Deadpool, Vol. 1: Secret Invasion TPB   $110
-District X Vol. 1: Mr. M   $50
-District X Vol. 2: Underground   $147
-Doctor Strange: Strange Tales TPB   $220
-Dominic Fortune: It Can Happen Here and Now TPB   $147
-Dr Strange Prem HC Season One   $184
-Essential Avengers TPB Vol. 08   $147
-Essential Fantastic Four Vol. 08 TPB   $147
-Essential Marvel Saga TPB Vol. 1   $78
-Essential Official Handbook Marvel Universe Master Edition TPB Vol. 1   $125
-Essential Official Handbook Marvel Universe Master Edition TPB Vol. 2   $125
-Essential Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man TPB Vol. 05   $147
-Essential Punisher TPB Vol. 2   $125
-Essential Spider-Man TPB Vol. 10   $147
-Essential Spider-Man TPB Vol. 11   $147
-Essential Warlock TPB Vol. 01   $147
-Essential Web Of Spider-Man TPB Vol. 02   $147
-Essential X-Men TPB Vol. 10   $147
-Essential X-Men TPB Vol. 11   $147
-Essential X-Men Vol. 1   $147
-Essential: Captain America Vol. 3   $125
-Essential: Captain America Vol. 4   $125
-Essential: Captain America Vol. 6   $147
-Essential: Killraven   $125
-Essential: Spider-Man Vol. 5   $125
-Essential: X-Factor Vol. 1   $125
-Essential: X-Factor Vol. 2   $125
-Essential: X-Men Vol. 4   $125
-Essential: X-Men Vol. 6   $125
-Essential: X-Men Vol. 7   $125
-Essential: X-Men Vol. 8   $125
-Eternals by Neil Gaiman HC   $220
-Eternals by Neil Gaiman TPB   $184
-Fantastic Four - Lost Adventures Stan Lee Prem HC   $184
-Fantastic Four 1 2 3 4 HC   $147
-Fantastic Four By Jonathan Hickman TPB Vol. 05   $184
-Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman Vol. 2   $118
-Fantastic Four By Waid & Wieringo Ultimate Collection TPB Book 01   $184
-Fantastic Four Season One Prem HC   $184
-Fantastic Four Visionaries John Byrne TPB Vol. 00   $184
-Fantastic Four Visionaries: John Byrne Vol. 4   $184
-Fantastic Four Visionaries: John Byrne Vol. 5   $184
-Fantastic Four Visionaries: John Byrne Vol. 6   $184
-Fantastic Four Visionaries: John Byrne Vol. 7   $184
-Fantastic Four Visionaries: John Byrne Vol. 8   $184
-Fantastic Four Vol. 6: Rising Storm   $103
-Fantastic Four: Dark Reign   $125
-Fantastic Four: First Family   $118
-Fantastic Four: Foes   $125
-Fantastic Four: In Search of Galactus   $220
-Fantastic Four: Marvel Knights 4 Vol. 1: Wolf at the Door   $125
-Fantastic Four: Marvel Knights 4 Vol. 3: Divine Time   $110
-Fantastic Four: Marvel Knights 4 Vol. 4: Impossible Things Happen Every Day   $110
-Fantastic Four: The End   $110
-Fantastic Four: The Resurrection of Nicholas Scratch   $110
-Fantastic Four: True Story   $81
-Fantastic Four: World's Greatest HC   $184
-Fantastic Four: World's Greatest TPB   $147
-Fear Itself Avengers Academy TPB   $147
-Fear Itself Avengers Prem HC   $184
-Fear Itself TPB   $220
-Fear Itself TPB Avengers   $147
-Fear Itself TPB Hulk Dracula Fear Itself TPB Hulk Dracula   $184
-Fear Itself Uncanny X-Men TPB   $125
-FF By Jonathan Hickman TPB Vol. 03   $125
-Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Vol. 2: Mystery Date   $103
-From Marvel Vault TPB   $110
-Generation Hope Schism TPB   $125
-Generation Hope TPB Futures A Four Letter Word   $110
-Ghost Rider By Daniel Way Ultimate Collection TPB   $257
-Ghost Rider Vol. 2: The Life & Death of Johnny Blaze   $103
-Goldfish GN HC   $184
-Haunt of Horror   $220
-Hawkeye TPB Blindspot   $118
-Heroes For Hire TPB Control   $118
-House Of M TPB: Uncanny X-Men   $103
-House of M: Avengers TPB   $103
-House of M: World of M, Featuring Wolverine   $103
-Howard the Duck: Media Duckling   $88
-Hulk Prem HC Heart Of The Atom   $220
-Hulk Premiere HC Vol. 01 Red Hulk   $184
-Hulk Smash Avengers TPB   $110
-Hulk Visionaries: John Byrne Vol. 1   $184
-Hulk Visionaries: Peter David Vol. 2   $147
-Hulk Visionaries: Peter David Vol. 4   $147
-Hulk Visionaries: Peter David Vol. 5   $147
-Hulk Visionaries: Peter David Vol. 6   $220
-Hulk Visionaries: Peter David Vol. 7   $220
-Hulk Visionaries: Peter David Vol. 8   $220
-Hulk: Giant Size HC   $184
-Hulk: Gray HC   $184
-Hulk: Planet Hulk   $257
-Hulk - World War Hulk TPB - Front Line  $110
-Immortal Iron Fist Vol. 1: The Last Iron Fist Story   $110
-Immortal Iron Fist Vol. 2: The Seven Capital Cities of Heaven   $132
-Immortal Iron Fist Vol. 3: The Book of the Iron Fist   $125
-Immortal Weapons TPB   $125
-Impossible Man TPB   $257
-Incredible Hercules: Against the World TPB   $110
-Incredible Hercules: Love and War TPB   $125
-Incredible Hercules: Sacred Invasion HC   $257
-Incredible Hercules: Smash of the Titans HC   $220
-Incredible Hercules: The Mighty Thorcules TPB   $110
-Incredible Hulk By Jason Aaron HC Vol. 01   $257
-Incredible Hulk TPB Vol. 02 Fall Of The Hulks   $118
-Incredible Hulk Vol. 01: Son Of Banner TPB   $118
-Incredible Hulks Fall Of Hulks HC   $294
-Incredible Hulks World War Hulks HC   $367
-Invaders Now!   $147
-Invincible Iron Man TPB Vol. 07 My Monsters   $118
-Invincible Iron Man TPB Vol. 08 Unfixable   $118
-Invincible Iron Man Vol. 1: The Five Nightmares HC   $194
-Iron Man HC – Doomquest   $147
-Iron Man TPB The Dragon Seed Saga   $125
-Iron Man 2.0 TPB Vol. 02 Asymmetry   $110
-Iron Man Prem HC Legacy Of Doom   $147
-Iron Man TPB - The Many Armors Of Iron Man   $184
-Iron Man War Machine TPB   $220
-Iron Man: Demon in a Bottle HC   $184
-JLA/Avengers   $147
-John Carter A Princess of Mars GN TPB   $110
-Journey Into Mystery Fear Itself Fallout Prem HC   $147
-Journey Into Mystery New Mutants TPB Exiled   $125
-Journey Into Mystery TPB Vol. 01 Fear Itself   $118
-Journey Into Mystery TPB Vol. 02 Fear Itself Fallout   $118
-Journey Into Mystery TPB Vol. 03 Terrorism Myth   $125
-Journey Into Mystery TPB Vol. 04 Manchester Gods   $110
-Legion of Monsters HC   $184
-Legion of Monsters TPB   $118
-Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers TPB   $110
-Longshot Prem HC   $184
-M.O.D.O.K.: Reign Delay   $30
-Magician Apprentice: Volume 1 HC   $147
-Magician Apprentice: Volume 2 HC   $147
-Marvel 1602 TPB   $147
-Marvel 1985 HC   $184
-Marvel 1985 TPB   $147
-Marvel Atlas TPB   $110
-Marvel Boy HC   $184
-Marvel Comics 70th Anniversary Collection   $194
-Marvel Comics Presents: Wolverine Vol. 1 TPB   $96
-Marvel Europe TPB   $110
-Marvel Firsts 1970s TPB Vol. 01   $220
-Marvel Illustrated: Last of the Mohicans HC   $67
-Marvel Illustrated: The Man in the Iron Mask   $132
-Marvel Knights: Spider-Man Vol. 4: Wild Blue Yonder TPB   $110
-Marvel Masterworks Fantastic Four HC Vol. 03   $367
-Marvel Masterworks Fantastic Four HC Vol. 04   $367
-Marvel Point One II TPB   $184
-Marvel Romance Redux   $103
-Marvel Universe Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes Digest TPB Vol. 02   $74
-Marvel Visionaries: Chris Claremont HC   $220
-Marvel Visionaries: John Romita Jr. HC   $220
-Marvel Zombies Covers HC   $147
-Marvel Zombies TPB   $118
-Marvels Hardcover   $184
-Marvels Project Birth Of Super Heroes TPB   $220
-Marvels TPB   $147
-Mighty Avengers Vol. 3: Secret Invasion Book 1 TPB   $110
-Mighty Avengers Vol. 4: Secret Invasion Book 2   $110
-Mighty Avengers: Earths Mightiest TPB  $110
-Mighty Avengers: Secret Invasion vol. 1 Hardcover   $441
-Mighty Avengers: The Unspoken TPB   $110
-Mighty Thor By Matt Fraction TPB Vol. 01   $147
-Mighty Thor By Matt Fraction TPB Vol. 02   $147
-Mighty Thor By Matt Fraction TPB Vol. 03 HC   $184
-Moon Knight By Bendis And Maleev TPB Vol. 01   $147
-Moon Knight By Bendis And Maleev TPB Vol. 02   $147
-Muppets TPB Four Seasons   $110
-Mystic Arcana   $184
-Mystic Tenth Apprentice TPB   $110
-Mystique By Sean Mckeever Ultimate Collection TPB   $184
-Nemesis HC   $147
-New Avengers (2010) Vol 01 Premiere HC   $184
-New Avengers By Brian Michael Bendis Prem HC Vol. 02   $184
-New Avengers By Brian Michael Bendis TPB Vol. 01   $147
-New Avengers By Brian Michael Bendis TPB Vol. 03   $184
-New Avengers HC Vol. 7 – Trust   $184
-New Avengers TPB Vol 01 Breakout  $110
-New Avengers Vol. 6: Revolution   $110
-New Avengers Vol. 7: Trust   $147
-New Avengers Vol. 8: Secret Invasion Book 1 TPB   $110
-New Avengers Vol. 9: Secret Invasion Book 2   $110
-New Avengers Vol. 10: Power TPB   $118
-New Avengers Vol. 11: Search for the Sorcerer   $110
-New Avengers: Siege TPB   $184
-New Mutants Classic Vol. 2   $194
-New Mutants Classic Vol. 3   $194
-New Mutants Classic Vol. 4   $184
-New Mutants TPB Vol. 07 Fight Future   $147
-New Mutants Vol. 1: Return of Legion   $110
-New X-Men By Grant Morrison GN TPB Book 03   $110
-New X-Men By Grant Morrison GN TPB Book 04   $110
-New X-Men By Grant Morrison GN TPB Book 05   $110
-New X-Men by Grant Morrison Ultimate Collection TPB vol. 1   $257
-New X-Men by Grant Morrison Ultimate Collection TPB vol. 2   $257
-New X-Men by Grant Morrison Ultimate Collection TPB vol. 3   $257
-Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. col. completa 12 revistas   $160
-Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol. 4   $33
-Omega Flight: Alpha to Omega   $103
-Omega: The Unknown Classic TPB   $232
-Omega: The Unknown Premiere HC   $220
-One Month To Live TPB   $110
-Orson Scott Card's Speaker For the Dead Prem HC   $184
-Orson Scott Card's Wyrms TPB   $118
-Osborn TPB Evil Incarcerated   $125
-Oz TPB Marvelous Land Of Oz   $147
-Paradise X: Volume 1   $220
-Paradise X: Volume 2   $220
-Penance: Relentless TPB   $103
-Pet Avengers Classic TPB   $184
-Peter Parker Spider-Man: Back in Black HC   $257
-Punisher (MK) maxi-serie completa   $133
-Punisher By Greg Rucka Prem HC Vol. 01   $147
-Punisher HC - Circle Of Blood   $147
-Punisher Max Bullseye TPB   $147
-Punisher Max Vol. 10: Valley Forge, Valley Forge   $125
-Punisher Max Vol. 6: Barracuda   $118
-Punisher Max Vol. 7: Man of Stone   $118
-Punisher Max: Frank Prem HC   $184
-Punisher P.O.V. complete   $67
-Punisher Presents: Barracuda Max   $132
-Punisher: No Escape (Prestige)   $15
-Punisher: River of Blood TPB   $132
-Quasar Classic TPB Vol. 01   $184
-Red Prophet: The Tales of Alvin Maker Vol. 1   $118
-Red Prophet: The Tales of Alvin Maker Vol. 2   $118
-Red Skull Incarnate TPB   $118
-Runaways Prem HC Pride & Joy   $147
-Runaways: Dead End Kids TPB   $118
-Runaways: Dead Wrong TPB   $118
-Runaways: Escape to New York TPB   $110
-Runaways: Homeschooling TPB   $110
-Runaways: Pride & Joy TPB   $110
-Runaways: Rock Zombies TPB   $110
-Runaways: Teenage Wasteland TPB   $110
-Runaways: The Good Die Young TPB   $125
-Runaways: True Believers TPB   $110
-Scarlet Premiere HC Book One   $184
-Secret Avengers TPB Vol. 02 Eyes Of Dragon   $147
-Secret Avengers Prem HC Vol. 03 Mission Caught World   $184
-Secret Avengers TPB Run Mission Save World   $147
-Secret Invasion TPB   $220
-Secret Invasion TPB X-Men   $110
-Secret Invasion: Front Line TPB   $110
-Secret Invasion: The Infiltration TPB   $147
-Secret Invasion: Thor TPB   $110
-Secret Invasion: Thunderbolts TPB   $147
-Secret War TPB   $184
-Secret Wars 2 TPB   $220
-Secret Wars TPB New Printing   $257
-Sensational Spider-Man, Vol. 1: Feral   $103
-Sentry coleccion completa + 5 especiales   $133
-Shadowland Moon Knight TPB   $118
-She-Hulk Vol. 5: Planet Without a Hulk   $147
-She-hulks TPB Hunt For Intelligencia   $110
-Shield HC Architects Of Forever   $184
-Siege HC   $184
-Siege Prelude TPB   $184
-Siege TPB X-Men   $118
-Siege X-Men Prem HC   $147
-Siege: Thunderbolts TPB   $118
-Sigil TPB Out Of Time   $110
-Silent War TPB   $110
-Silver Surfer: In Thy Name TPB   $81
-Silver Surfer: Requiem TPB  $110
-Skrull Kill Krew TPB   $125
-Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 5: Sins Remembered   $74
-Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 6: The Final Curtain   $110
-Spider-Man Am I An Avenger TPB   $220
-Spider-Man and The Fantastic Four: Silver Rage   $81
-Spider-Man and the Human Torch HC   $147
-Spider-Man Death Jean Dewolff Prem HC   $184
-Spider-Man Ends Of Earth TPB   $184
-Spider-Man Fantastic Four TPB   $110
-Spider-Man Fantastic Spider-Man TPB   $147
-Spider-Man Grim Hunt TPB  $110
-Spider-Man Identity Crisis TPB   $184
-Spider-Man Matters Of Life And Death TPB   $147
-Spider-Man One Moment In Time TPB   $147
-Spider-Man Origin Of Species TPB   $147
-Spider-Man Return of Anti-venom TPB   $118
-Spider-Man Spider-Island TPB   $257
-Spider-Man Through The Decades TPB   $198
-Spider-Man Trouble On Horizon TPB   $125
-Spider-Man Visionaries: Kurt Busiek, Vol. 1   $147
-Spider-Man Visionaries: Roger Stern Vol. 1   $184
-Spider-Man vs. The Black Cat, Vol. 1   $110
-Spider-Man Worlds Greatest Hero TPB   $110
-Spider-Man's Tangled Web: Vol. 1   $118
-Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do   $110
-Spider-Man: Back in Black HC   $257
-Spider-Man: Birth of Venom   $220
-Spider-Man: Election Day HC   $67
-Spider-Man: Family Ties TP   $110
-Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt TP   $110
-Spider-Man: One More Day Premiere Edition HC   $184
-Spider-Man: Powerless (Spider-Man, Wolverine, Daredevil)   $110
-Spider-Man: Red-Headed Stranger   $110
-Spider-Man: Reign   $110
-Spider-Man: Return of the Black Cat   $147
-Spider-Man: With Great Power... HC   $184
-Spider-Woman: Agent of S.W.O.R.D. with Motion Comic DVD   $220
-Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe TPB   $184
-Squadron Supreme: Hyperion Vs. Nighthawk TPB   $81
-Stan Lee Meets HC   $184
-Stand TPB Vol. 01 Captain Trips   $110
-Stand TPB Vol. 04 Hardcases   $147
-Star Brand Classic - Volume 1 TPB   $147
-Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier TPB   $110
-Sub-Mariner: Revolution TPB   $110
-Sub-Mariner: The Depths TPB   $147
-Super Hero Squad: Get Yer Hero on   $73
-Super-Villain Team-Up: Modok's 11 TPB   $103
-Supreme Power: Nighthawk TPB   $125
-The Amazing Spider-Man #688   $25
-The Eternals by Jack Kirby vol. 1   $184
-The Eternals by Jack Kirby vol. 2   $184
-The Hood Vol. I: Blood from Stones HC   $147
-The Iliad + Trojan War Hardcover Pack   $200
-The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB   $257
-The Order Vol. 1: The Next Right Thing   $110
-The Order Vol. 2: California Dreaming   $96
-The Sentry TPB   $184
-The Thing: Freakshow   $132
-The Vision: Yesterday and Tomorrow TPB   $110
-Thor Black Galaxy Saga TPB   $147
-Thor By J Michael Straczynski TPB Vol. 1   $110
-Thor By J Michael Straczynski TPB Vol. 2   $147
-Thor Gods & Men TPB New Printing   $220
-Thor Lord Of Asgard TPB New Printing   $147
-Thor Spiral TPB New Printing   $184
-Thor Visionaries: Walter Simonson TP Vol 03   $220
-Thor Visionaries: Walter Simonson Vol. 04   $184
-Thor Visionaries: Walter Simonson Vol. 05   $184
-Thor World Eaters TPB   $147
-Thor: For Asgard TPB   $147
-Thunderbolts By Warren Ellis Prem HC Vol. 02 Caged Angels   $147
-Thunderbolts Classic TPB Vol. 01   $220
-Thunderbolts TPB Like Lightning   $125
-Thunderbolts, Vol. 2: Caged Angels TPB   $110
-Thunderbolts: Burning Down the House TPB   $110
-Thunderbolts: Widowmaker TPb   $110
-Torso GN HC   $184
-Twelve TPB Vol. 01   $125
-Ultimate Comics Avengers Blade vs. Avengers TPB   $147
-Ultimate Comics Avengers TPB Crime And Punishment   $147
-Ultimate Comics Hawkeye By Hickman Prem HC   $147
-Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol. 01: World According TPB   $147
-Ultimate Comics X-Men By Nick Spencer TPB Vol. 01   $118
-Ultimate Comics X-Men Vol. 1 HC   $184
-Ultimate Elektra: Devil's Due TPB   $88
-Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB Vol 7 - God War   $125
-Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB Vol 8 – Devils   $96
-Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB Vol 9 - Silver Surfer   $103
-Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB Vol. 03: N-Zone   $96
-Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB Vol. 04: Inhuman   $96
-Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB Vol. 05: Crossover   $96
-Ultimate Fantastic Four TPB Vol. 06: Frightful   $110
-Ultimate Galactus Vol. 1: Nightmare TPB   $81
-Ultimate Hulk vs. Iron Man HC Ultimate Human   $147
-Ultimate Hulk vs. Iron Man TPB Ultimate Human   $118
-Ultimate Iron Man II TPB Vol. 02   $110
-Ultimate Iron Man TPB Vol. 1   $110
-Ultimate Spider-Man TPB Vol. 01: Power and Responsibility   $147
-Ultimate Spider-Man TPB Vol. 02: Learning Curve   $96
-Ultimate Spider-Man TPB Vol. 03: Double Trouble   $132
-Ultimate Spider-Man TPB Vol. 04: Legacy   $110
-Ultimate Spider-Man TPB Vol. 08: Cats & Kings   $132
-Ultimate Spider-man Ultimate Collection TPB Vol 1   $184
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